Friday, May 31, 2013

The List

The bookstore...and beyond...climb up


Beauty...Beauty....Breathe it all in...

Thinks I am thinking about lately..
1.  Imagining a world where political leaders were ethical, moral, responsive and interested in leadership for the great good
2. The ever-changing weather...first it's spring...then it's fall...then its summer....all in one day, and one week!
3.  The desire to live the creative life...what would a studio I could design look like.?
4.  Training for another half-marathon...could I do it..what would it feel like the second time around
5.  What does it feel like to live and be in a house that is totally clean and organized?
6.  Flowers are amazing, how did we get so lucky as to have them as part of our being? our world?
7.  Getting older, the upsides and the journey, what can I learn from it all right now....
8.  How strange, scary, energizing and beautiful life can be sometimes...
9.  My oldest daughter wants to add that she is thinking about cake and summer break...all things to look forward too
10.  My youngest says (in song) ....summer!!
11.  Sleeping in really is the ultimate gift
12.  Being thankful my body is capable of some much...being impatient it does not do more
13.  My first upcoming triathlon experience
14.  Why love really does shape your soul
15.   Add your own in here!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


I love the outdoors and am always so thankful when the warmth, sun, and clear skies are upon us.  It calls me outside, smiles at me, encourages me to start moving, slowly if that makes sense, and explore.  Explore, notice, watch, breathe and sink in.  I love the chance to be both distracted and centered all at the same time.  I also feel thankful when I get to be outside and in the warmth with the ones I love the most.  It is like we are all our better selves when we are hiking, walking, gathering sticks, playing in the mud, throwing our sweaters off and taking a cool drink while sitting on the ground.  Nature heals.

It has been especially helpful as I have not been able to run - I love running.  I am somewhat injured and can not run just yet.  I find it really hard.  I have not been able to bike or swim either.  It will get better and I will hit the road and trails again.  It reminds me that we need to listen to our bodies (whether we want to our not) and be thankful for what works.  Thankful in general.  So here is to more outdoor time and getting lost and finding your inner love. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Fast Song

Today we have a guest youngest daughter...who has written and composed an amazing song.  The title is "The Fast Song" Here are the words...

Chocolate chips and ravioli in my bowly
The sun is shining in a bathtub
The twinkling stars - its a bar
The end
(Repeat until it gets so fast you can no longer sing it!!!)
There are hand movements as can also add your own hand movements that you make up
The youngest chose the picture today because she said if you put chocolate chips and ravioli and you mix it together and put the sun shining on it for heat and it is like putting it in the oven, like a bathtub, the twinkling stars show for the night time and if you put all the tings together it would make a cake.