Sunday, February 27, 2011

See you tomorrow

...Sickness has taken over the house, so I will be away from this space today.  Hopefully, tomorrow brings healthy and wellness.  See you in this space tomorrow.  Peace. 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I love spring cleaning.  Okay, I too get tired after some scrubbing, wiping, washing and sweeping, however I do love the end result.  I love how the house smells fresher, feels brighter and lighter, and the sense of space and efficiency that follows. 

Today, the darlings and I (mostly me) cleaned out their drawers and closets and put away clothes that no longer fit, are too stained, or generally are not being used.  We picked up all the books, cleared the garbage and generally tidied up.  We talked together about spring cleaning, and the family plan to go room by room and overhaul each space.  A full cleaning, purging and repairing any minor issues that need addressing.  We even talked about what will need to be done outside the house to make way for spring and ultimately summer living (Yes!  Summer living!!!).  Ohh, I have big plans for spring cleaning.  Thoughts of the end product make me so happy and calm.  Here's to good intentions and spring cleaning!

Of course, spring cleaning does not have to be limited to the physical kind, perhaps their are other areas of your life that need a little attending to, repair and or general overhaul.  Today I am grateful for the time to reflect, clean and hope for spring.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thank-you: A list

I have been away from this space for a few days to tend to my darling oldest daughter.  It started with a fever and constant cough and did not get better from there.  A trip to the doctor (thanks to my sweet husband!) and some medicine have made a world of diference.  It is not 100% yet but we are hopefully on the right path.

I had a few (and I mean a few!) moments to read yesterday before my eyes closed in what I hoped would be a good nights sleep (as sleep as been absent here lately).  I read about something called a Thank-you list.  The idea is to think about those pivotol people in your life, current or historical, who you feel had a positive, nurturing, loving impact on your life.  The idea is also to consider those people who may have just been there for you at the right time, at the right moment, and the impact was remembered.  Perhaps these are people who you never had the chance to say thank-you to for how they made you feel.  Maybe these are individuals in your life who you have not said thank-you to recently, but who would be thrilled to hear how much you care.  The author of the article made the important and, not to be underestimated point, that everyone appreciates hearing positive feedback, everyone appreciates being noticed, and it spurs people to continue to offer kindness to others.  I thought about who might be on my list and it made me smile. 

Who would be on your thank-you list?  Reach out to someone today - you would make their day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
This picture was taken during a visit to the United Nations and sparks many thoughts and ideas within me, depending on my mood and recent experiences.  Today, it makes me think of creativity.  The freedom to be creative, to express yourself, to share your ideas, thoughts and stories.  In particular, if those thoughts or views are not popular and may go against what others think.  I appreciate hearing dissension, it helps to ensure that issues are considered and thought through from all sides.  It means a respectful, mindful discussion can take place.  It forms as a model of maturity and a lesson to our children that creativity and respectfulness leads to the best relationships and sense of community.

There are moments (if I am lucky they are not fleeting!) where I have such a sense of love for the world, a burst of creative ideas, stories I would like to write, or pictures I would love to paint.  I think these come during times of deep respect for myself and others and - a little quiet does not hurt either!

Today I am grateful that there are times when respect and creativity lead to greatness.  I hope your day is full of inspiration!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spring is in the air

Today we experienced one of those rare weather days.  During a long winter, and a recent bone chilling cold snap, today we had what could be described as the first taste of spring.  Yes Spring!!!!  It was wonderful, you could walk outside without the usual hat and gloves and scarf.  While winter boots and a warm coat was needed, the outside was no longer an assault on the senses.  I was amazed at not only the effect on my own mood (It made doing the daily errands just that much easier), but on the mood of others.  Everyone was talking about the weather and the hope for spring.  Spring means summer is within reach.  It means you can think about plans for the garden, walks around the neighbourhood after dinner, and outdoor living.  It means a gentler and kinder way of being will soon be upon us.  It means tulips, fresh vegetables and sunsets from the lawn chair.  I know it is still February, but for today, spring was in the air.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You are enough

You suppose you are the trouble
But you are the cure
You suppose that you are the lock on the door
But you are the key that opens it
It's too bad that you want to be someone else
You don't see your own face, your own beauty
Yet, no face is more beautiful than yours.

It is easy to be hard on yourself, critical of things you did or did not do, said or did not say, paths taken or not taken.  The list can be never-ending.  Most of us feel like there is more we should be doing, saying, writing, expressing, helping, building, cooking, cleaning, reading, working . . . . (feel free to insert your own here).  The truth is being critical or negative towards ourselves does not make us feel more joyous, more at peace, more kind.  It tends to drain us and make us feel less than.

Here is the are perfect how you are loved in this are already enough.  Repeat this to yourself, really let it sink it and see how it makes you feel.  Don't take my word for it, try it as an experiment.  You are enough...feel any lighter?  Do you allow yourself to really hear this.  You are enough.  You only need to be who you are.  You are enough.

Today, I shared some coffee with a colleague whose company I value.  She is smart, thoughtful, mindful, and talented in her work to help others.  She shared how overwhelmed she felt and how hard it can be to manage so many competing demands.  The weight of this was evident in her face and in the expression of her emotions. 

Today I am thankful for the knowledge that we all struggle and for the realization, that we can choose to accept that we are enough.
Enjoy the day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

You are loved

Happy Valentine's Day!  There is a sense of love in the air today.  People have been dressed in red or pink and have been wishing each other happy sentiments all day.  There has been the sharing of treats, chocolate, cupcakes and homemade cookies - yum!

We enjoyed a great dinner with family and exchanged some homemade gifts and small trinkets.  My husband did bring me home some beautiful spring flowers and a thoughtful card.  Today made me think of how different the world feels when we are all conscious of the love we share for each other and express our feelings of love.  This does not have to limited to romantic love, rather friendship and family ties offer a chance to share our sense of love and joy with each other. 

Today also gave me the chance to reflect on how much the people I love define my life, my sense of joy and happiness.  Today I am grateful my part of the world paused for love.  My hope is that it can continue everyday of the year.  Here's wishing you much love and joy today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

You are rich

In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful,
but gratefulness that makes us happy.
-Brother David Steindl-Rast

Today's quote is a good reminder for me (and hopefully you too!) that joy can be created.  It can be easy to travel through the day, weeks and months without really being thankful for all that we have and experience.  Sometimes it takes a negative experience or loss to refocus us on how little is actually needed to be happy.  If you have physical or mental health - you are already wealthy and rich.  If you have kindness and love in your life from friends or family - you are cherised.  If you have a warm home to live in and food for your body - you are nourished.  If you have books and art and great creativity to enjoy - you have inspiration.  You are suurounded by health, wealth, love, wisdom, energy, nourishment and creativity - how joyous.  What many people call the 'basics' - are the source of much gratitude and happiness.

Wishing you a day filled with wealth and richness.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whispers of the day

The results of the latest poll about simple pleasures was overwhelmingly in favour of time with friends or family.  In keeping with the spirit of this result, today's post is all about family.  I spent the day with my darlings and husband doing what most would consider the 'everyday'.  However, if you look closer...pause...become mindful, you can hear that there is very little in our lives that is everyday.  Today, provided some great examples of how quiet attention can tell you things about your life. 

In the morning I helped my daughter construct valentine cards and treats to take to school on Monday for a Valentine's celebration.  While doing this I was aware that she is changing, she can write many words on her own now, she contributed several good ideas about how to package the treat and card together, and we had a discussion about friends and the students in her class that was indicative of her establishing her own relationships, and was rather mature.  I listened closely and noticed she is no longer my baby (okay she will always be my baby!) she is a young girl with ideas, assertions, relationships of her own.  Talking to her had a qualitatively different feel, more grown-up words, more grown-up topics, more complexity.  Yikes!

We also spent the morning at gymnastics, it was the first class my youngest has ever taken where it was not parent-participation.  In fact, my husband and I sat behind glass in a separate room watching things unfold.  She went out onto the floor without us, even though she told us previously she wanted us to come (and we agreed).  She held her sisters hand and off she went.  She followed instructions, smiled and met a new friend (a boy no less!).  I was noticing her level of courage, confidence and independence.  There were times her face said, she was scared or unsure (so I went to off her a hug - and she accepted).  She returned following our brief hug and was wonderful.  She held hands with her new friend (the boy), walked the balance beam herself and said after "I had fun and want to come again!" I was so proud of her and felt a tinge of sadness as she too becomes independent, free spirited and herself.  Yikes! 

Today I am thankful for the whispering and change of life. I am grateful for the time and mental space to notice, think and share how the everday is. . . well,  extraordinary.

What is today whispering to you?

Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm in it for kindess

“Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, 
smile at your children, smile at each other -- it doesn't matter who it is -- 
and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.” 
- Mother Teresa

Kindess is something I strive for each and every day - whether I am successful or not is another story, but it is my intention to be kind.  When faced with a stressful, frustrating, or anger-provoking situation, I do my best to remind myself - I am in it for kindness - not a fight, not to be right, to be kind.  I often repeat this silently to myself, in particular when I am angry at someone or some situation, where I expect more or want things to be different.  Reminding myself of my intention to be kind helps me to calm, and also to play the situation or emotions forward.  Playing ahead means looking at when the intensity of the emotion or situation has reduced.  I imagine where I want to be standing and what I would like to be feeling, about the outcome, and more importantly about myself.  I have had several expereinces over the last few days that remind me that calm and kindness can prevail.  It is a good reminder.  I am also still carrying some situations where I feel more like being adversarial than kind.  It is a work in progress.  I try to practice kindness with myself as well.

I often think of how the world and our relationships with each other would be different if kindness was a universal stance.  It makes me smile and creates such hope.  So today, today I am thankful for kindness - after all at the end of the day what else is there - really.
What brings out kindness in you and others around you?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In Brief

Today, my oldest daughter would like to contribute her thoughts to the blog.  This is a picture of her bear's foot.  Her bear is so cuddly and soft and she loves loves her bear.  She loves cuddling with bear and now her sister has her bear.  She has another yellow bear, it is so cuddly and it is her favourite - that is all for today!

I am thankful today for the chance to just be, to talk to others and to feel some sense of not total stress.  We have had a particularly busy two days here so I will be back in this space tomorrow with a longer post.  For now, rest well.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

For the love of cooking

I want to share case I have not made it explicit...I LOVE to cook, bake and generally be in the kitchen.  I love cookbooks (my husband will often make mention of the number of cookbooks I own - I really do read them all!) and the thrill of experimenting with a new recipe or ingredient.  I also really enjoy mastering a recipe, committing it to memory and making it part of my everyday repertoire. 

Did I mention, I also love to eat good food, homemade food, a lovingly prepared meal or dessert.  I love the sense of comfort that comes from eating something that you know was made with love and hopefully - passion.  I have tried to instill the sense of whole foods, cooking and love for your food in my darlings.  They will cook with me, and when baking they are willing taste tasters.  We watch cooking shows together and the girls seem to have a wide knowledge of ingredients and different foods (in my humble opinion).  So today, I celebrate the humble joy of cooking.  Here's wishing you a wonderful meal and good friends or family to enjoy it with!

Today's pictures are an example of recent baking (a three tiered vanilla layer cake) and a sample of my cookbooks collection (ever growing!).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Good news, good food, and sleep

Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply,
to think freely, to risk life, to be needed. 
Storm Jameson

Today was a day filled with many simple, but lovely, pleasures.  The day began with some time at my daughter's school and genuine conversation.  There was a sense that we were all present, focused, relaxed and really hearing each other.  It left me with a great feeling in my heart (it did not hurt that all the conversation was glowing and positive).

Then my darlings and I spent time with grandpa, running errands, enjoying each other's company, playing and then eating yummy food.  We went out for lunch and it was delicious and a nice ritual we try to do almost every week.  The girls get quality time with Grandpa and at least several games of I Spy.  It felt nice that the owner's of the restaurant have come to know us, and come to our table to say hello and how are things.

Then we came home and had a delicious nap.  Sleep often feels like something I am lacking, and I enjoy my naps (whenever the opportunity presents).  I love the chance to wind down, rest and then feel the surge of energy that comes from a little sleep.  The girls and I crafted and baked a cake following nap - really simple, beautiful, delightful pleasures.

Today's picture is brought to you by my darling oldest daughter - wonderful!  She would like the world to know that she is thankful for her baby boy cousin.  She loves loves loves him and finds him to be very kissable.

What gives you simple pleasure - take the poll and add your voice!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


As I mentioned yesterday we were awaiting a snowstorm, and it did not disappoint!  Schools were closed, flights were cancelled, and many people worked from home.  It is great!  It is like a gift to have a day were you are not expected to do anything, or go anywhere, where everyone is on the same page with staying home, getting cozy, and enjoying each other's company.

There was some playing in the snow and generally some playing.   We also did some work today, but it seemed lighter because the world seemed to slow down.  I awoke to beautiful white, crisp snow and the house was quiet and calm - so amazing!!!

So here is to snow glorious snow and the day to enjoy it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We are awaiting a winter storm in this part of the world, and people are bracing for mounds of snow and hopefully a snow day - at home (playing with the kiddies, sitting by the fire, drinking hot cocoa - insert your own comforting image here!). 

Today was a rather stressful day at work and I was grateful (and mindful) of two things: I was aware of my stress, the feelings of frustration, to some extent anger and was able to notice them and name them to myself before I acted on them (and maybe said something I might not be happy with later on when I would hopefully be less angry).  Secondly, I was able to vent and talk about my feelings with my colleagues (who noticed something was up) and do it constructively and ask for what I needed.  Thus, the venting turned into something where real action and some change took place.  I did do things somewhat differently today and for today - things got better.  Here is wishing you a day filled with some change and much positivity.

P.S. Today's picture was taken during a visit to the U.N. - a place where connection, change and, hopefully positivity reside.