Friday, March 23, 2012


It feels lately like time is moving at warp speed, with much activity, changes, learnings...and of course, much to be grateful for, if you just stop long enough to look.  We recently had a lovely March Break, a time when work, and school stops for a week (so awesome!) and we slow down on the routine, and speed up on the fun, the long days playing, visiting with friends, hanging out with family.

One such adventure this past March Break, was a chance to connect and show love for our Nonna.  My darlings adore their Nonna and spent a day making pasta from scratch (or 'the old fashioned way' as my oldest says it).  It was wonderful, watching them connect, passing down the love for food and family from one generation to another.  Warms the soul...on so many levels....!  The girls loved eating their creation (Nonna did most of the work!) and enjoyed it for days to come. 

Food and the connection to family is an area I love to talk about, read about (remember my past post about my cookbook collection) and explore, on many levels.  As a result, I have decided to create a way to express this passion.  A way you will be hearing about more!  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Where is your wealth?

I have been thinking lately...where is my wealth....???

In my relationships
In my family
In my characters
In my bank account
In my health
In my worldview
In my mental wellbeing
In my intellect
In my life roles
In my carerer

What is wealth anyway...a source of pride, sustinability, resources, options, means, strength, space, time, perseverance...

I think for me the answer is multifaceted, ever-evolving and a source of pause.  Happy March Break, I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy your 'wealth'.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Passion Rising

Hopefully, you have enjoyed the beautiful photography which has graced the blog posts of Three Sixty Five.  My dear, talented husband has been the man behind the lens who captures such great visuals.

He has recently started his own blog to document his passion for photography.  He will not 'toot his own horn', but I will, he is an emerging talent with a great eye.  Check out his pictures for yourself.  Feel free to leave a post and share your appreciation!

Enjoy the day and today's picture - the metaphor needs no explanation.