Thursday, March 14, 2013



Well here it experience with the 21k.  First let me know say that I am very proud of myself!  My original goals were... only running, no stopping (hopefully no bathroom breaks!), to feel as strong as possible throughout the run and to finish.  I met my goals.  Only running, no bathroom breaks and completion at the 2hr and 35 ish minute mark.  WOW!!!  The time of completion was never a focus for me - just doing it was more than enough to spark a profound sense of joy.

Here are some lessons I learned  that day (and along the path to training for the 21K).  Many are metaphor for life and helpful to me in the everyday.....

1.  It is more friendly with a friend
2.  Sometimes it will feel hard and you need to keep going and then it will feel okay again
3.  Don't stop
4.  Saying nice things to yourself helps
5.  Sometimes one foot in front of the other is all you can manage and that is okay and very courageous
6.  The mind is a powerful thing
7.  You will surprise yourself with what you can accomplish
8.  With a little practice and lots of can do the thing you told yourself you never could do!
9.  The world becomes very small sometimes
10.  Distraction can be healthy
12.  Consistency is earned one step at a time
13.  You are never too old to do something new and be proud of yourself
14.  Pushing your body to the limit will make you cry a little and that is okay.  Your real friends will understand and most likely hug you.
15.  An act of graciousness is profound and unforgettable.
16.  Random strangers with signs will make you smile and feel awesome!
17.  Friends with signs will make you feel loved and like your feet grew wings!  You will also never forget that they made you signs or yelled your name in support while it was really really cold outside.

I am sure there are three more I could come up with but that seemed rather predictable....and 21k was definitely an act of unpredictability and faith.  Yours in running.....