Sunday, April 24, 2011


Walking to the fishing spot

Going across the bridge
The fishing spot!

Running to the fishing spot!  Yeah!!!

Today's special guest bloggers are my darling oldest daughter and my darling youngest daughter.  They want to write about the time at the fishing spot.  They noticed there was garbage in the water at the fishing spot and they did not like that (earth day was on just on Friday people!).  They said the garbage should be in trash can - not in the water!

There was no fish yet in the water, but in two or three weeks fishing could begin.  They are looking forward to the egg hunt today!  Enjoy the day!  Get outside!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Passing time

Spring is coming - I hope!

Twirling - Life moves fast!

The friendly road ahead

Play, Play, Play

Here are some images from the last few days.  We are thankful for the change in seasons - despite mother nature showering us (literally) with reminders spring is about preparation.  Things we are doing.....

Enjoying the Stella and Sam children's book series by Marie Lousie Gay

Trying to learn how to make roses out of buttercream frosting

Filling out government paperwork - it is that time of year!

Thinking about getting the laundry done

Playing with decorating ideas for updating our play, create, and chill space

Relishing a good homemade meal and good quality chocolate

Thankful for the long weekend, time with family and lots of love!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Breaking waves

We have been away from this space for awhile, as sickness has taken over the house again.  We seem to have the cold and cough that won't go away.  So we rest and do our best to carry on.  Life does not seem to slow down!

We are entering into a holiday here and there is much to be thankful for and mindful of.  We will be back in this space tomorrow, with a longer post.  Till then, be well...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Paint and be free

Expressing our creativity

A beginning palette

The end result - for now!

My darlings began asking...what can we do now? (insert your own intonation here!).  "Let's paint",  I suggested and we all bounced down to the basement and began getting set-up.  We started by getting our paint colours, our smocks, brushes, and water ready for creative genius. 

I brought out my paint box with the varied assortment of colours, and styles, acrylic, watercolour and a rainbow of selection.  Ohhh and Ahhhh were the resonating sounds.
We all sat at our easels and got down to creativity.  There were a few moments of beautiful bliss, quiet meditative peace, an inner looking and a stillness.  The darlings made about 7 paintings and we had some interesting discussions about product over process.  I did not want to stop....but we all had to get dressed and ready for school.  What a great day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunshine and Cupcakes

Today we basked in the late to arrive sunshine.  Ohhhh....what sunshine does for the spirit.  I had a chance to sit outside today, feeling the warm sun on my face and the bright light on my body, it was wonderful!  I was also reading a great book and enjoying how beautiful  the quiet and simple things in life can be.

We also celebrated my husband's birthday, with cupcakes, songs, homemade presents and of course, lots of love.  The girls were so proud to give their father the love presents they made for him.  They also helped blow out the candles!

My little one amazed me with her super fast running and her long brown hair blowing in the wind.  She is full of new words, expressions and long legs - that were not there last summer!  My older one is looking, well, older, she is taller, more beautiful and centered in her self.  Today was a great day.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

When Spring Comes Calling

When spring comes calling, answer the door
Invite her in, welcome her with warmth
Love her, embrace her, tell her she is wanted

When spring comes calling, jump for joy
Smile wide and reach your arms open
as you try to touch the sky
Make tea, sing a song, and be wild with love

As spring settles in, 
tell her of your longing,
your need for growth, renewal and hope
and sunsets galore

I am letting my joy flow again today.  This poem is an ode to the end of National Poetry Week and an attempt to celebrate what is truly a spring day in this part of the world.  The grass is turning more green by the minute, the darlings are pleading to ride their bikes and the sun seems to be smiling on all it's creatures (big and small).

Enjoy today, raise a glass (or a mug) and celebrate what is beautiful about life.  Preferably outdoors.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let it Flow

As the end of the week is upon us, and hopefully we begin to wind down and slow down, I am just letting my thoughts flow.  Here is some reflecting on my feelings right now, and my sense of gratitude - in the form of a poem...after all in this part of the world, we are celebrating National Poetry Week...

The week is done
The exhaling begins
The comfort of home is now within
I reach to touch my young daughters face
So Smooth, so sweet, so full of grace
Life is both hard and soft
Bright and bold, full of love and loss
I am grateful,
I am grateful,
I am grateful today.

The sun can shine, the wind can whisper
The blooms begin to open a sliver
I seek a sense of quiet peace
To think, to thank, to settle in
To allow a sense of meditative love
for myself, my family and everyone
I am grateful
I am blessed
I am beautiful today.

Here is to the poem singing in your heart today, tomorrow or anytime.  Happy Friday.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Around Town

In the city
Not ready to have her picture taken

We have been enjoying the spring like weather which has kindly (and finally !) descended upon us.  The sense of happiness and joy the warmer weather creates is wonderful.  I have noticed that people on the street seem to be happier, smile at each other more, and are walking, running and generally looking for reasons to be outdoors.  I am waiting for the flowers ( okay I said which appear to be whispering to the wind that they are coming.

We have spent the weekend around town, enjoying the ease of being outdoors, we went to gymnastics, got haircuts and had a lovely dinner with family.  It was an easy vibe and a made me impatient for the summer which is still too far away.  Today, the warm weather meant we brought out the outside toys, rode bikes, cleaned out the car, and sold some girl guide cookies to the neighbours.  Simple stuff, full of love, reminders life is good.  It does not take much, it is not mind blowing, but it is great.  Simple is the new excitement.  I also spent some time this afternoon making a lovely homemade meal, which was soooo good - I ate a little too much.

It is easy to dismiss the everyday for boring, but sometimes, 'boring' is beautiful.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Chasing Rainbows and other journeys

"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."-Alexander Woollcott
Cereal Snack

Homemade and handmade calzone

Peaceful, sleeping fur friend

There are some days which feel like nothing in particular happens, nothing spectacular, nothing awesome, nothing great.  I admit it...I struggle sometimes to see the greatness, the joy, the beauty in each day.  Sometimes, it just feels like one thing after another, with little time for gratitude or to be present.  I know there is lots that I have to be grateful for, and yet, still some days it feels like a struggle.  A struggle to get centered, a struggled to be mindful, a BIG struggle to be present.

The pictures that are part of today's post are part of my everyday, and they remind me that there is some much beauty to be noticing, be thankful for and to continue my focus and journey towards gratitude, joy and positivity - not to mention creativity.  A good example comes a few days ago when I was in my oldest daughter's room and the crystal teardrop hanging from the window caught the sunlight in just the right way and the room was suddenly flooded with rainbows.  Rainbows all over the walls, the ceiling, the floor and they were dancing in a magical pattern.  My daughters (they are so wise!) started immediately dancing around the room trying to catch the rainbows and squealing with delight.  I was able to stop and take in the scene, it felt magical.  I wanted the world to stop then, to quiet the thoughts of having to hurry up and get to work, that the house was a mess, or that I was feeling tired.  It was a beautiful moment, literally spent chasing rainbows.

Today I am grateful for the everyday - for no day is wasted.  Enjoy the day!