Monday, May 30, 2011

Breathe Deeply...The Sun is Here

Lilacs from our garden - picked with love!   

More Garden Beauties!

Art - made with Pride - and hung on the fireplace mantle!

Today is the day we have all been waiting for (okay begging for!), the sun has finally arrived in this part of the world!  Today is the day we woke to warmth, humidity, sun and most awesome of skies...ahhh...breathe deeply...exhale if it feels right...summer weather has arrived.  I am thankful today, for the sun shining in through the windows bringing warmth and beauty inside my home.  I am thankful, to look outside and see blue, white and clear skies.  I am thankful, to hear the birds singing, playing and romping about.  It feels wonderful and gracious and like - love.

I am taking some time today to listen, to listen to myself, my heart and my head, and the world around me.  Each day is a good day, each day brings new gifts, each day is to be cherished.  It is good to know that things can and do change (often too quickly, often without us being ready).  Enjoy what today is, hopefully for you, it is the gift of an ordinary day, spent with those who you love and who love you.  Today I am grateful -  just for the day.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

School Days

Exploring School
School Art Farm Style

Here, we have been exploring school, kindergarten really, as my littlest one gets ready to go to school at the start of next academic year.  She seems mostly ready, taking it all in, looking intently at the other students, studying her surroundings.  Of course, big sister is happy to show her around, tell her what to do, and offer her hand to lead her along the way. 

Mommy is not so ready . . . she is my littlest one, my baby, I am feeling as if I want to hold her close and not let her out into the world  - just yet.  It feels like she is too little, even though she has a really well developed sense of self expression!  Big sister will be watching over, but that means two away from mama!

Here is to school days...or in my mind...summer vacation!  Enjoy each moment, as the world does not pause. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's a wonderful day in the neighbourhood...

As the old Mr. Rogers song goes . . . . it is a wonderful day in the neighbourhood!  The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping and the kiddies are smiling.  The sun shining has been quite an accomplishment in this part of the world as we have experienced more than our share of grey skies and rain.

The garden is calling, the trees are swaying, the neighbours are out tending to the grass and saying hello, kids are riding their bikes and the vibe is one of optimism and possibility.  We have spent as much time as the sun would allow outside soaking up every sun rich wonderful moment.  Okay there was ice cream too!

Today we will see some friends, be part of some celebrations and generally just be.  Just Be.  Enjoy today, the sun is shining just for you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

It's been awhile

Where have I is such a metaphorical question filled with all sorts of layers - and potential responses.  It seems time has passed by very quickly and while I have thought many many times of getting to the blog - it just did not materialize.  I think this is indicatative of how easy it is to let time pass without noticing, in a fully realized way, all the beauty and grace in life and in each day. 

Truthfully, my focus still appears to be much more on what goes wrong, what could be different, what is stressing me out, what I wished would go away.....(insert your own one here).  So while it is true time passess quickly, I think I was also struggling with finding the space to allow myself to focus on the positive.  To turn my energy towards joy rather than letting the stress suck my energy and my joy away.  Sometimes I spend time thinking about how to solve what I don't like, instead of just addressing the stress.  Mostly my stress comes from things, situations or people I really can't (and don't want to) control.  Ahhh, learning....

So, here is to getting back to focus and living in the beauty, enjoy today!